Desarrollo infantil: de 3 a 5 años

De los 3 a los 5 años, los niños desarrollan habilidades que los preparan para la escuela y la vida.. Sus cuerpos, cerebros y emociones continúan desarrollándose a medida que exploran su mundo. Su aprendizaje se desarrolla en diferentes materias, como matemáticas y ciencias, mientras se preparan para el kindergarten.

Explore las categorías a continuación para conocer las distintas formas en que puede apoyar el desarrollo de su hijo en respuesta a diferentes comportamientos.

Cómo crecen y se mantienen saludables los niños

Los niños de 3 a 5 años crecen y se desarrollan todos los días. Mire el video y consulte el cuadro a continuación para conocer las formas en que puede apoyar su crecimiento y desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Get dressed, brush their teeth, use the toilet, and wash their hands without help from adults.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Encourage them to show independence in basic tasks to care for themselves, helping when necessary (e.g., brushing teeth, wiping nose, dressing, using the toilet, washing hands, and feeding themselves).
Children This Age May:
Walk, run, hop, gallop, or balance on one leg.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Make physical activity a big part of their daily life and provide space and equipment for them to play.

Make sure they are safe and properly dressed for the weather and specific activities.
Children This Age May:
Engage in activities that enhance hand-eye coordination, such as using eating utensils, dressing themselves, building with blocks, creating with clay or play dough, putting puzzles together, and stringing beads.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Show them how you use drawing and writing tools in your daily activities (e.g., making a grocery list).

Cómo aprenden los niños a interactuar con otras personas y a expresar sus sentimientos

Durante este período de tiempo, los niños se volverán más sociables y mostrarán una gama más amplia de emociones. Mire el video y eche un vistazo a la tabla a continuación para obtener consejos sobre cómo ayudarlos en esta etapa del desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Make friends and learn how to help, share, take turns, and resolve problems.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Show them how to interact with others (e.g., take turns playing with a certain toy).

Provide opportunities for children to understand and discuss their feelings and those of others.

Help children see the effect of their behavior on others and help them resolve conflicts.
Children This Age May:
Begin to control their impulses and feelings better.

Follow simple rules, routines, and directions.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Make cozy, safe places where children can be alone if they wish.

Establish, explain, and model simple rules (e.g., a bedtime routine) in basic terms they can understand.
Children This Age May:
Express a range of emotions appropriately, such as excitement, happiness, sadness, and fear and avoid disruptive, aggressive, angry, or defiant behaviors.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Show and talk about ways to appropriately express emotions (e.g., dancing or exercising until out of breath, using pounding toys, manipulating play dough, talking to an adult).

Cómo aprenden los niños a comunicarse

De los 3 a los 5 años, verá grandes cambios en la forma en que su hijo se comunica con usted a medida que aprende más palabras. Mire el video a continuación y lea el cuadro para comprender cómo apoyar mejor las habilidades de comunicación en desarrollo de su hijo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Consideration for Adults:
Use a greater variety of words when they speak to express ideas and events.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Introduce new words and concepts by naming what they are doing and experiencing.

Have conversations and ask them open-ended questions that require more than a “yes” or “no” response.
Consideration for Adults:
Follow two-step directions. (For example, they can follow simple directions like “Go to the closet and get your coat so we can go outside.”)
How You Can Help Them Develop:
State directions clearly, positively, and respectfully. If it seems like they need help, show them what the directions mean and provide help if needed.
Consideration for Adults:
Share their ideas and experiences in small groups.

Describe experiences and retell simple stories.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Ask open-ended questions that require more than a “yes” or “no” response.

Give them opportunities to tell stories or describe events and provide prompts as needed for encouragement.

Cómo los Niños Aprenden a Desarrollar Habilidades que Los Ayudarán a Leer y Escribir

Los niños de 3 a 5 años comienzan a comprender las letras y algunas palabras. Mire el video y consulte los consejos a continuación que lo ayudarán a saber qué esperar y cómo apoyar su desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Consideration for Adults:
Handle books respectfully and appropriately.

Look at pictures, ask questions, and talk about pictures and information in a story.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Visit the library.

Read to them often for fun and to help them learn new things.

Ask questions about the stories you read together. For example, ask, “What do you think will happen next?” or “How do you think [character] felt when…?”

Act out and retell stories using props such as puppets.
Consideration for Adults:
Recognize the difference between words that sound similar, words that rhyme, and words that start with the same letter.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Show them how to have fun with words (e.g., rhymes, poems).
Consideration for Adults:
Recognize the letters in their own name or know many letters of the alphabet.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide magnetic letters and alphabet blocks, stamps, books, and puzzles.

Explore letters through physical experiences (e.g., use alphabet cookie cutters or pasta alphabets, make letters out of your bodies on the floor).

Point out letters in familiar names and signs.
Consideration for Adults:
Recognize that printed words connect to their world and daily life.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Point out signs and labels in the home, neighborhood, or store.

Call attention to a variety of printed words, such as in books, newspapers, magazines, menus, and cereal boxes.
Consideration for Adults:
Use shapes, symbols, and letters to express ideas.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Encourage their interest and attempts to copy or write letters and their name.

Encourage them to use markers, crayons, and pencils.

Cómo aprenden los niños a pensar y a razonar

El cerebro en desarrollo de un niño de 3 a 5 años continúa aprendiendo cómo pensar y asimilar nueva información en su entorno. Mire el video y consulte los consejos a continuación que pueden ayudarlo a apoyar su desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Think through problems and try to solve those problems in different ways.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Ask them questions that apply to real problems and talk with them about different approaches to solving problems (e.g., It is cold outside and I see you only have one glove. What should we do so your hands stay warm?).

Encourage them to think through how to solve problems, even if their solutions aren’t right.
Children This Age May:
Pretend and make-believe.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Encourage them to pretend, such as using sofa cushions or blankets to make a “cave”.

Offer new props to encourage pretend play.

Cómo aprenden los niños sobre matemáticas y números

Los niños de 3 a 5 años están comenzando a comprender las matemáticas y los números de formas nuevas. Consulte los consejos a continuación que lo ayudarán a comprender qué esperar y cómo apoyar su desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Count, group, and sort objects by size, shape, color, or other similarities.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Take advantage of every opportunity to count, group, and sort objects. For example, encourage children to group and sort toys when cleaning up (e.g., all the blocks, all the soft and hard animals).
Children This Age May:
Understand directions about how things relate to each other such as, “Please put a fork by each plate.”
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Help organize toys by pointing out concepts such as “in,” “on,” “under,” and “beside.”
Children This Age May:
Create patterns using art materials and other objects (e.g., weaving, painting, stringing beads, and building blocks).
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Point out naturally occurring patterns indoors and outdoors.

Introduce songs with evolving patterns (e.g., “Bingo” where children clap to substitute additional letters with each verse).

Cómo aprenden los niños sobre ciencia y el mundo que los rodea

Entre los 3 y los 5 años, los niños hacen más observaciones sobre la naturaleza y el mundo que les rodea. Consulte el cuadro a continuación para conocer las formas en que puede apoyar su crecimiento y desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Ask questions and observe the living things around them, like bugs, plants, or animals.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide opportunities to observe objects and events indoors and outdoors.

Ask questions and make comments that help children think about how they could learn more. For example, when observing how plants grow, ask, “What do you think will happen if…” or say, “Let’s try to _____ and see what happens.”
Children This Age May:
Observe nature and make guesses about natural events. For example, they may explain how seeds grow, or how you should care for animals.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Encourage children to ask questions and seek answers by exploring and thinking about what they see.
Children This Age May:
Express ideas in many ways using their imagination and creativity. They may draw stories or things that interest them.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide age-appropriate art materials, like different types of drawing tools, paper, and collage materials.

Cómo aprenden los niños sobre personas, lugares, eventos y sociedad, y cómo estas cosas se relacionan con sus vidas

Durante este período de tiempo, los niños desarrollarán su habilidad para comprender mejor lo que sucede a su alrededor. Mire el video y eche un vistazo a la tabla a continuación para obtener consejos sobre cómo ayudarlos durante esta etapa del desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Identify how money is used.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Create play situations in which they exchange money for objects.
Children This Age May:
Describe things that happened to them in the past, like a family trip last summer.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Tell stories about things that happened to them in the past.

Cómo aprenden los niños a usar su imaginación y a expresarse creativamente

A partir de los 3 a los 5 años, verá que los niños muestran más su creatividad. Mire el video a continuación y lea el cuadro para comprender cómo apoyar mejor el desarrollo de su hijo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Move to different types of music.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Offer different types of music and have them participate by clapping or playing musical instruments.

Provide them with examples of diverse music, including cultural examples and examples in their community and home.
Children This Age May:
Create drawings based on familiar stories and topics.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Use different types of art materials (e.g., paints, paper, markers, crayons, boxes, clay, and plastic containers) to help them retell a favorite children’s book.
Children This Age May:
Play pretend for longer periods of time.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Encourage them to pretend by using props such as dress up shoes, pots and pans, and stuffed animals to act out stories and real-life experiences that will get them to think about different roles and scenarios.

Cómo aprenden los niños a aprender

Los niños de 3 a 5 años todavía están “aprendiendo a aprender”. Lea los consejos a continuación para ayudar a apoyar su aprendizaje.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Talk about wanting to learn about a lot of different topics.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Share their excitement in discoveries and learning.

Help them explore and learn more about their neighborhood and community.

Show them how to be curious and how to find information. Act curious yourself.
Children This Age May:
Play with other children and take turns.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide opportunities and model how to play with others. Practice asking for a turn, asking how long it will be until they can have a turn, and listening to friends.

Transición a Kindergarten

Mientras los niños se preparan para la transición al Kindergarten, hay cosas que pueden ayudarles con este cambio. Mire el video para comprender mejor cómo apoyar a su hijo durante esta transición.

Mire el video a continuación para conocer más sobre la experiencia de padres/cuidadores de niños de 3 a 5 años.

Vea o descargue nuestra Hoja de consejos para niños de 3 a 5 años para obtener más información sobre indicadores del desarrollo y comportamientos en niños de esta edad.

Pautas de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo Temprano de Colorado

¿Está interesado en conocer las expectativas para el desarrollo de su hijo en función de su edad? Las Pautas de Desarrollo y Aprendizaje Temprano de Colorado describen el camino de aprendizaje y desarrollo de los niños desde el nacimiento hasta los ocho años. Divididas por edad e hitos importantes, las pautas son una especie de mapa que ayuda a los padres y cuidadores durante los primeros años de vida de los niños. Expertos de todo Colorado desarrollaron estas pautas para fomentar un entendimiento común y crear un enfoque coordinado para el aprendizaje y el desarrollo. 

¿Tiene curiosidad por saber qué está pensando su pequeño a esta edad? ¿Se pregunta qué puede hacer para ayudarlos a prosperar y alcanzar sus hitos de desarrollo? Consulte las pautas mediante el enlace a continuación.
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La Guía para niños de Raising Colorado es presentada por la Oficina de la Primera Infancia de Colorado.

Para obtener ayuda general, llame al 1-800-799-5876 o envíe un correo electrónico a


La Guía para niños de Raising Colorado es presentada por la Departamento de la Primera Infancia de Colorado.

Para obtener ayuda general, llame al 1-800-799-5876 o envíe un correo electrónico

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