Desarrollo infantil: de 19 a 36 meses

A esta edad, los niños pequeños están desarrollando su independencia y adquiriendo un fuerte sentido de identidad propia. Cada vez más, insisten en trabajar solos en las tareas y tener control sobre su entorno. Tienen un interés creciente en los libros, el arte, los juguetes y otras actividades. También, mejora su capacidad para comunicarse y comprender el mundo que los rodea.

Explore las categorías a continuación para conocer las distintas formas en que puede apoyar el desarrollo de su hijo en respuesta a diferentes comportamientos.

Cómo crecen y se mantienen saludables los niños

Los niños pequeños de 19 a 36 meses crecen y se desarrollan todos los días. Mire el video y consulte el cuadro a continuación para conocer las formas en que puede apoyar su crecimiento y desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Pedal a tricycle, climb ladders, or walk backwards a few feet.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Play games that require physical actions, like rolling, throwing, and kicking balls or chasing.
Children This Age May:
Use thumb, index, and middle fingers to draw or write with a crayon, marker, or pencil.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide art materials like large crayons, markers, and paintbrushes or use play dough and clay to help the toddler develop squeezing, rolling, patting, and pounding skills with their hands.

Cómo aprenden los niños a interactuar con otras personas

Durante este período de tiempo, los niños pequeños interactúan más, conectándose con otros niños de maneras distintas a como lo venían haciendo. Mire el video y eche un vistazo a la tabla a continuación para obtener consejos sobre cómo ayudarlos en esta etapa del desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Play with others by building a tall tower of blocks with one or two other children or handing a peer a block when building.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide opportunities to play with other children in a variety of settings.

Model how to act and suggest words to help them learn to share.
Children This Age May:
Move in and out of pretend play roles or tell other children what they should do in their roles.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide time and toys that encourage imagination by playing specific roles (e.g., cooking and eating).

Play pretend games and draw in children who aren’t involved. (e.g.,“Would you like to ride on our train, Robert?”)

Read about diverse families and people.

Cómo aprenden los niños a expresar sus sentimientos y emociones

Los niños pequeños de 19 a 36 meses continúan aprendiendo cómo mostrar sus sentimientos y emociones. Mire el video y consulte los consejos a continuación que lo ayudarán a comprender qué esperar y cómo apoyar su desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Begin to make comparisons between themselves and other children. For example, they may communicate that “_____ is a boy/girl like me.”
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Recognize their ability to identify their own characteristics, such as size, hair color, or gender.

Provide opportunities to interact with other children of diverse cultures, ethnicities, and abilities.
Children This Age May:
Insist on zipping up a jacket or communicate, “Do it myself!” when a parent tries to help.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Allow them time to do things for themselves and acknowledge the actions using words of encouragement.
Children This Age May:
Use words to describe feelings; for example, “I don’t like that.”

Act out different emotions during pretend play by “crying” when pretending to be sad and “cooing” when pretending to be happy.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Share and discuss books and pictures of people showing emotions and help the toddler identify feelings as they happen.

Sing songs about different feelings (e.g., “If you are happy and you know it”).
Children This Age May:
Show a substitute teacher or new babysitter that they like a back rub during naptime by patting their own back while lying on the mat.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Allow them to meet their own physical needs with comforting objects or actions (e.g., sucking their thumb).

Provide them with a sense of control by providing a choice of acceptable options (e.g., “You can have water or milk.”).
Children This Age May:
Begin to share.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Acknowledge when they try to share (e.g., “You decided to play with another doll when Maya took yours. That was a nice choice.”)

Talk with the toddler about rules, limits, and choices and why they are important.

Cómo los niños aprenden a comunicarse y desarrollan habilidades para leer

De los 19 a los 36 meses, verá cambios en la forma en que su niño pequeño se comunica con usted a medida que crece su lista de palabras. Mire el video a continuación y lea el cuadro para comprender cómo apoyar mejor las habilidades de comunicación en desarrollo de su niño.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Consideration for Adults:
Know the names of most objects in their typical environment.

Show understanding of words such as “no,” “not,” and “don’t,” like when an adult says, “There’s no more milk,” or “Those don’t go there.”
How You Can Help Them Develop:
State simple requests and acknowledge the toddler’s responses and actions.

Use hand motions and other body movements when singing or telling stories.

Talk about what you are doing (e.g., “I am going to wash off this table and then we can sit down and eat.”).
Consideration for Adults:
Use a total of 300–1000 words.

* NOTE: Children who speak more than one language may mix words from different languages in the same sentence.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Allow them to participate when telling, singing, or reciting stories and songs.

* NOTE: You can help when they mix words from different languages by repeating what they say using all words in the same language.
Consideration for Adults:
Ask and answer simple questions, such as “What’s that?” and “Where did it go?”
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Ask questions, acknowledge how they are adding to the conversation, and then build on that by offering additional questions and information. (For example, if they ask “What’s that?” Answer, “It’s a car. What color is the car?”)

Resist the temptation to rush or interrupt them as they think of how to say something or answer a question.

Cómo aprenden los niños a pensar

El cerebro en desarrollo de un niño de 19 a 36 meses continúa aprendiendo cómo pensar y asimilar nueva información en su entorno. Mire el video y consulte los consejos a continuación que pueden ayudarlo a respaldar ese desarrollo.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Consideration for Adults:
Make a prediction about what will happen next in the story when asked, “What do you think will happen next?”
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Help the toddler understand how her actions affect others (e.g., “Jasmine is sad because you pushed her. How can we make her feel better?”).

Provide opportunities for them to watch and practice cause and effect (e.g., pushing and pulling toys, rolling items down a hill).
Consideration for Adults:
Put all the soft stuffed animals in one pile and all the hard plastic toy animals in another pile and label the piles “soft animals” and “hard animals.”
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Encourage sorting and matching by pointing out the similarities and differences. For example, you can say, “This piece is blue. Let’s find another piece that is blue.”
Consideration for Adults:
Play make-believe. This may look like the child stirring “cake batter” while holding an imaginary spoon.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide opportunities to play pretend with simple make-believe toys, such as dolls, stuffed animals, dishes, and blocks.

Encourage imagination by joining them. For example, play make-believe with them, take on a role, and follow their directions.
Consideration for Adults:
Start and follow through with some personal care routines like drinking from a cup without spilling much or helping set the table for lunch.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide tools, like a stool at the sink or a coat hook within reach, to allow them to begin to do things themselves.

Show them how to do it and assist when needed.

Cómo aprenden los niños a aprender

Los niños pequeños de 19 a 36 meses todavía están “aprendiendo a aprender”. Lea los consejos a continuación para ayudar a respaldar su aprendizaje.

Children This Age May: How You Can Help Them Develop:
Children This Age May:
Place the triangle piece into the puzzle without first needing to try it in the round or square space.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Wait until they show the need for help before helping.

Help only as much as needed and talk aloud about how you or they solved a problem.
Children This Age May:
Recall an event in the past, such as the time a family member came to school and made a snack.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Provide photos and picture books of past family events, commonly seen animals, or things of interest to them.
Children This Age May:
Pound the play dough with a hammer while talking with a peer.
How You Can Help Them Develop:
Allow adequate time for them to explore and get involved in activities.

Mire el video a continuación para conocer más sobre la experiencia de padres/cuidadores de niños de 19 a 36 meses.

Vea o descargue nuestra Hoja de consejos para niños de 19 a 36 meses para obtener más información sobre indicadores del desarrollo y comportamientos en niños de esta edad.

Pautas de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo Temprano de Colorado

¿Está interesado en conocer las expectativas para el desarrollo de su hijo en función de su edad? Las Pautas de Desarrollo y Aprendizaje Temprano de Colorado describen el camino de aprendizaje y desarrollo de los niños desde el nacimiento hasta los ocho años. Divididas por edad e hitos importantes, las pautas son una especie de mapa que ayuda a los padres y cuidadores durante los primeros años de vida de los niños. Expertos de todo Colorado desarrollaron estas pautas para fomentar un entendimiento común y crear un enfoque coordinado para el aprendizaje y el desarrollo. 

¿Tiene curiosidad por saber qué está pensando su pequeño a esta edad? ¿Se pregunta qué puede hacer para ayudarlos a prosperar y alcanzar sus hitos de desarrollo? Consulte las pautas mediante el enlace a continuación.
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La Guía para niños de Raising Colorado es presentada por la Oficina de la Primera Infancia de Colorado.

Para obtener ayuda general, llame al 1-800-799-5876 o envíe un correo electrónico a


La Guía para niños de Raising Colorado es presentada por la Departamento de la Primera Infancia de Colorado.

Para obtener ayuda general, llame al 1-800-799-5876 o envíe un correo electrónico

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